Jennifer Newcomb

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The Power of Simple

Yesterday, I had lunch with my oldest daughter, who recently moved out of the house.I really miss her.

It's hard not knowing what she's up to on a daily basis: what kind of mood she's in, hearing her sing around the house, seeing the books she's into scattered all over the table.

It was a simple lunch: pesto pizza and gyros, water and bakclava and there was lots of story-telling and laughing. Did my heart good.

Tonight, my youngest daughter is coming home for the weekend from her dad's house, where she recently moved.

It's been too empty and quiet here!

What happened to those babies I had only yesterday?

Since I haven't seen her as much as I'd like, all day Saturday and Sunday are reserved for her. She's mentioned some craft stores she'd like to visit and we're planning a few things to cook together. We might even cover the ottoman in the living room together, since she's so handy with her hands.

All in all, I really don't care WHAT we do, as long as we're together.

We could sit around and drink tea and stare at the gathering mud in the backyard (it's been raining here for days) and it would just be wonderful to spend time with her, something I neglect to do sometimes, even when I miss her.

The house is clean, the bills are paid, impending work can be set aside until Monday.

I love reconnecting with those I love....

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