Jennifer Newcomb

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Washington Post mention

Check it out! Carol and I are featured in the Washington Post today in a sweet little feature on moms and stepmoms that get along, such as the "Miller Girls," an ex-wife and stepmom who became, and stayed, close friends, even in the face of illness. An excerpt:"

Linda, the younger daughter, said the relationship felt so ordinary growing up that she couldn't understand why other divorced parents couldn't get along as her mom and stepmom did. But it still surprised her last year, when her mother was sick, to see the depths of the bond."Sometimes my sister and I would say to each other, 'Is this really happening? Who would believe that your ex-husband's wife was going to come over and help you do laundry -- when she had trouble getting around?' " Linda said.

You can read the full version of 'Miller Girls' Linked by Friendship, And a Man here, as well as see a video of the two women describing their relationship in their own words. (I can just see Carol and I as old ladies, still picking up the phone and talking, still getting together and laughing our heads off. Since I'm the older one, maybe she'll one day be doing my laundry? Ha!)

Our book launch party at BookPeople was fantastic - I'll post more pictures later on today, as well as load them onto our Facebook fan page. It was standing room only and they almost sold out of our books!

And our interview with WWL in New Orleans was also great -  what was supposed to be a 10-minute piece turned into 50 minutes, the hosts were so interested and enthusiastic. Will see if I can find a link and post that too.

Happy Monday!

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