BookPeople signing pics and free upcoming meetings

As promised, here are a few shots of our reading on Friday at BookPeople below. I'll load up the rest on Flickr tomorrow and you can scroll through to your heart's delight!

It was so great to see so many supportive and warm faces, both familiar and new. The evening was hosted by actress Laura Lane, who did an amazing job guiding the flow of the evening and directing questions. Good friend Izzy Rose was also celebrating the launch of her book, The Package Deal, and nicely represented the stepmom's point of view, since Carol was away at a longstanding painting workshop in Sedona.

I tried to move mountains to have her be there, but alas, in the end, we just both had to accept that she couldn't. A bittersweet celebration, in some ways. This is what she was doing!

(she's the dink in the middle with dark pants)

Free Meetings in Austin, Texas

HOWEVER!!!! We ARE hosting a series of free talks here in Austin, Texas, at the same award-winning bookstore, BookPeople, starting on Tuesday, so if you would love to get together and gab about all these juicy issues, or know anyone else who might like to, send them our way.

The meeting schedule (3rd Tuesday of the month, 7:30 p.m., May - July):

  • May 19
  • June 16
  • July 17

If you're planning on joining us, drop us a line at marine2marine (at sign) gmail (dot) com and let us know!

Here are the pics:

Woohoo! We were on the tails of the puppet show!

(photo courtesy Mary Swift)


Laura Lane, Izzy Rose, Jennifer Newcomb Marine

(Photo courtesy Stepmother's Milk)


(photo courtesy Brad Newcomb)


(Photo courtesy Frank Curry)


Jen, Izzy

(Photo courtesy Stepmother's Milk)

© 2009 Jennifer Newcomb Marine       All Rights Reserved

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Jennifer Newcomb

My mission: to help people live happier, more creative lives through failing forward. I’m the author of of two books on collaborative divorced family relationships and three on productive creativity.

Always a choice....


Washington Post mention