Top 10 Reasons for a Mother/Stepmother Relationship Revolution
(Angelina Eberly* / photo by Alan P. Van Dyke)1. While our overall divorce rate has dropped down to 49%, a staggering 75% of remarriages involving children end in divorce.
2. Moms and stepmoms are desperate to escape the feeling that a perfect stranger is constantly trying to undermine them. Who IS this person, really? Do you know?
3. Now that nuclear families have become the minority family unit, we must learn how to create harmony in a radically-changed family landscape.
4. Aww, c’mon. It can’t really be as simple as “It’s all her fault! She truly IS a bitch!”
5. We owe it to the kids to work on this stuff after dragging them through the muck of a break-up.
6. Women are amazing at responding to genuine vulnerability and olive branches. Sometime it takes just one little break in the dam to set massive changes in motion....
7. Children see what it looks like when adults model maturity, problem-solving, and the mending of relationships—and then get to internalize these skills for themselves.
8. You are so-o-o going to love having both families on the same page—though the kids may sometimes hate it! Consistent rules and punishments between houses means they can’t as easily play one side against the other. Couldn't we all use a little more help parenting?
9. Our culture is hungry for a new family model after divorce and remarriage. Since divorce isn’t going away anytime soon, let’s consciously design an extended-family vision that inspires and motivates. What if this became the new "normal" to shoot for?
10. Contrary to popular opinion, families can actually be stronger and healthier after a divorce. Cooperative extended-families create stronger second marriages (thereby preventing another split-up), better parenting, more brainstorming power, happier children, and less hair loss all around.
- What did I miss?
- What has YOUR experience been?
(* When Sam Houston ordered his troops to steal the State archives in 1842 so that the city of Houston could be deemed the state capital, Angelina Eberly fired a cannon down Congress Avenue to rouse the residents of Austin and prevent the theft. She succeeded.
Statue by Australian political cartoonist and sculptor Pat Oliphant.)
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