Happy Stepmother's Day!

A happy day to all the stepmoms out there! Please know that all your efforts make a difference. All the time and taking care of the stepkids, all the things you remember to do (that others don't even seem to realize are on the list), all the ways in which you try to be flexible and patient and generous, even though sometimes it's the last thing you feel like doing -- know that it matters.
Without you, many kids wouldn't have the structure that they experience in their dad's house, the consistency, the nurturing little details that let them know someone is watching over and paying attention.
So from one mom to all of you, I acknowledge your sacrifices and strength. Our kids are the better for it and that will always mean a lot to me -- and many other moms out there, even if they don't always say it.
I know so many of you deeply love and cherish your stepkids. In the face of a potentially tricky stepmom/stepchildren relationship, you still try hard to do what's ultimately best for the kids.
May your day be filled with some validation, some relaxation and most of all, some FUN! Indulge yourself and take a break from the daily grind!
Big hugs to all of you.... :-)
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