Thanksgiving Day Tango Tips, Part 2

Yesterday's tip was about how inconsequential you are -- in a good way. Today, the focus isn't on your belly button, but the spotlight does swing all the way back around to YOU.
Think of an oak tree on top of a hill, buffeted by wind and rain.
Bird poop and scorching sun.
Gloomy skies.
What does that tree do?
It stands there, tall and yet puny against the vastness of the sky. Reaching towards the sky, but rooted deep into the earth. Rigid, but yielding and bending with the breeze.
Can you cultivate the powerful, peaceful presence* of a tree?
Let the chaos unfold around you and remain balanced.
Quiet inside.
Yielding, but grounded.
It's good practice.
*With thanks to Lisa Earle McLeod for the phrase. For more on the concept, check out her book, Triangle of Truth: The Surprisingly Simple Secret to Resolving Conflicts Large and Small.
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