Thanksgiving Day Tango Tips, Part 4

One very easy way to increase your feelings of gratitude is to TAKE CARE OF YOUR BLESSINGS. So often, we take for granted the things that are working well and assume they will always be there. Kids that still reach out. A reliable partner. Your job. Your health. The place you live. Your car. Friends and family you never get to see. Peace in your country. Nature doing her thing year after year.
We're all blessed in so many ways.
The simple fact that you're reading this post on a computer already means you have more options than most people on the planet!
So tend to your blessings. Polish them. Feed them. Dote on them. Make time for them.
Make them shine....
This will actually make the things and people you cherish seem ten times bigger.
It's so easy to keep our constant focus on what we want, the things that aren't working. That seems to be our default mode, perhaps a remnant of an age-old survival mentality that no longer serves us well.
Look at all the luxuries you're already surrounded by, the bounty, the stability of all the things that DO work in your life -- and vow to yourself that you will give thanks for them every day, not just on this one.
Wishing you and yours a wonderful, bonding, delicious day, filled with love, laughter and eventual lounging.
(And a secret celebration for the blog: this makes our 200th post! The perfect day for an anniversary....)
You'll find part 1, part 2 and part 3 here.
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