Happy Mother's Day!




Happy Mother's Day!

Thank for all you do for these little beings (and sometimes medium and big ones) who can be moody, uncooperative, whiny, over-sensitive and angry –- but also wonderfully innocent, vulnerable, warm, playful, all-accepting, and sweetly kind.

Our children need ALL of us!

They need as many adults to love them as possible and one of the most generous things we can ever do for THEM is to make room in their lives for others as well.

I hope it’s a day of recognition for you, but if not, please make sure to acknowledge yourself.

Take a moment to pat yourself on the back, feel appreciation for yourself, and soak up some loving kindness beamed inwards!

Parenting is a tough job, no matter who’s doing it. But our consistent and selfless efforts make all the difference in the world to the children that evoke our tender hearts….

Much love to all!

© 2011 Jennifer Newcomb Marine and Jenna Korf    All Rights Reserved

Jennifer Newcomb

My mission: to help people live happier, more creative lives through failing forward. I’m the author of of two books on collaborative divorced family relationships and three on productive creativity. 


Painful stereotype, meet reality!


One woman’s prince is another child’s neglectful father