First, the basics.

Some core themes + a quick look around.

3 Core Principles

A bubble representing a thought

1) Think beyond your thoughts.

Whatever it is you’re trying to do, everything starts with how you think.

Problem is, a lot of what we think isn’t actually true!

It sure feels like it though, because our thoughts and emotions create a self-reinforcing circle.

If you’re not your thoughts, you have more power and freedom than you realize.

How will you use it?

My life has been full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened.”

Michel de Montaigne, French philosopher

2) Take care of what you have.

A lot of us live in a trance of busyness, fueled by a mix of scarcity and mindless consumption. Tending to our relationships and belongings helps us to break out of this cycle.

Most relationships and things can be restored to a better state with deliberate time and attention.

When we do this, it creates a wonderful sense of abundance and security — even if nothing external has changed.

How would your life be different if now was enough?

When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.

— Lao Tzu, The Tao Te Ching

3) Get better results with better systems.

Most of us think our behaviors just happen.

But once you see all of the moving parts of the systems you regularly use, you’ll never be able to unsee them.

This is a good thing!

Now you can reverse-engineer processes that aren’t working to ensure the changes and outcome you’d like to have.

What system of yours would you like to adjust?

A system is a set of things interconnected in such a way that they produce their own pattern of behavior over time.

— Donella Meadows, biophysicist and conservationist

Two blogs

Love Where You Live Blog

Posts from the main theme of the site.


Mending the Nest Blog

Posts from No One’s the Bitch and Skirts at War.